Saturday, February 28, 2009

Photohunt Saturday - Thankful

These hands are those of the two most important people in my life; my Mother and my best friend. I am beyond thankful for them both. They love me and support me and care for me with their loving hands!

I don't mean to be flip, but I am a true chocoholic. I prefer dark chocolate, but I 'll take it anyway it comes. I am thankful that I am able to enjoy chocolate!


SASSY MOM said...

I'm also a chocoholic and thankful that I am also able to enjoy the food I love to eat. And also for the people around me whom I love. Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the hands photo, it says so much!

RJ Flamingo said...

I love both of your expressions of thankfulness - the first is very creative and powerful, and the second speaks to me on so many different levels... ;-)

Have a great weekend, and stop by if you get the chance...

The Queen Bee said...

nice photos here.

Lene said...

Maureen - your first photo is just soooo great!!! And your second one to - but I shouldn`t eat to much of that... You are tempting me ;)

Have a nice day :)

Phoenix said...

I really like the photo of your mom and BF's hands it just radiates love and caring. Thank you for stopping by my page. :)

PastormacsAnn said...

Great photos for our thankful theme! I bet we see alot of loved ones this week. I think we ways you've chosen to picture the important people in your life. Very creative to show their hands.

I love and am thankful for chocolate too. :-)

Anonymous said...

Lindor truffles...definitely something that deserves thanks :)

my post is up HERE

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

I love this shot and the sense of thankfulness given to your mom aka best friend :) Lovely!

Jackie said...

This is one my favorites so far for 2 reasons. I love the tribute to your mom. you are very blessed to have her. I miss mine very much.

The photos are both great. And I don't you are being flippant about the chocolate at all.

I was so desperate for a fix yesterday, and too far away from town, that I poured a table spoon of Hershey's syrup and ate it.

My husband thought that was very funny when I told him over the phone.

Wonderful things to be thankful for. Thanks for sharing with us.

Happy weekend,

Tiglizzyclone said...

I like the picture of your mom's hands. And I love love love chocolate!

Colin Campbell said...

Lovely shots and thoughts.

stan said...

thanks for dropping by! that's a great shot for this theme - the hands tt is.

SnoopyTheGoon said...

Hey, there is nothing flip about loving a bit of chocolate here and there. I should know ;-)

Have a great weekend.

Jeanne said...


I just love the hands picture! You always have something moving to say. :)

Who doesn't like Lindt truffles, right?

Be well,


Anonymous said...

Very good choice for the them you are sweet dear. Happy weekend.

jams o donnell said...

The hands photo says it all Maureen. Great shot!

annalarssonphotography said...

Your first photo is soo great :)
I can really feel the thankfulness and care!

And the second one.. I'm a chocoholic too ;)

Mine is up too!
Happy weekend! :)

Brita said...

Love your shots. The helpful hands are a blessing. And I'm also a chocoholic...that's one of those small everyday things to be really thankful of too...
Thanks for visiting too. I love your blog.

Hootin Anni said...

Oh wow....the top photo is just so so powerful!!!!!

Mine is posted now....come on over to view. The camaraderie of brothers. Of which I'm thankful; my grandsons!!!


Mira said...

Yeah, mothers and best friends are always there to guide us, and of course chocolates should be there all the time to get us going, LOL. Love both your pics. Here's mine

Gypsy at heart said...

Nice shot. Dark chocolate is my they say it is good for you!

kayerj said...

I love the hands, and lindt chocolates yum!

Marites said...

that's a very good shot, very creative and poignant.

tanabata said...

The photo of the hands is lovely. And I'm thankful for chocolate too!

ancient one said...

Love the hands photo! Great Shot! I don't think you are being "flip"... just honest... and I'm thankful for chocolate too!!

YTSL said...

I love that particular brand of chocolate (too)! A weird quirk of mine though is that I don't usually eat chocolate unless the weather is cool... which it currently is, for which I'm thankful! ;)

Daisy said...

Your "hands" photo is very lovely! It makes me feel good inside.

Mojo said...

They're both wonderful, but that first shot? That is brilliant! Not just for the theme, but just in general as art.

Magnificent job!

tnchick ♥ said...

Wow, can't believe we both shared a hands photo!! Very cool shots, too!

Anonymous said...

Ah, we can all be Thankful for the chocs.

MaR said...

Wonderful shots for the theme!! dark chocolate over here, please!
enjoy your weekend :)

Anonymous said...

I love the hands photo... and the chocolate. ;)

Thanks for visiting my hunt!

June said...

Very nice expression of gratitude!

Carver said...

Great shots and take on the theme. I'm a chocoholic too! Happy weekend.

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

beautiful photo!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photo and great take on the theme.
I also a chocoholic especially dark chocolate.

Thanks for visiting mine!

Anonymous said...

I love that interwoven hands, they are so touching. We are all indeed blessed to have such a mother and a bestest :) of the best friends.

I love chocolates too!

Bengbeng said...

i love chocs too. I dont know why but it lifts my spirits

Anonymous said...

Oh, the hand photo is so beautiful and moving! And chocolate, I'm thankful too.

Thanks for visiting mine and many blessings to you. I'm thankful for our PhotoHunt community!

Leslie said...

That's just lovely! Have a great weekend. :)

Anonymous said...

I hope you have the photograph of the hands framed an in a prominent place. That is a very powerful image...and perfect for this week's PhotoHunt.

Baba said...

Thanks for your visit to my place today.. Our hands perform so many tasks and show our love by what we do with them..a great shot of your mom and friends hands!!!

Anonymous said...

I love my mother too and I love chocolates and I am thankful I have both in my life :)

Happy Sunday!

Janet said...

love the shot of the hands!

Anonymous said...

I love chocolates too, very nice theme this week.

Anonymous said...

Very touching photo. :)

A Friendly Reader Only said...

Love the picture of the hands - I had to study it to figure out exactly how many hands. Very nice captured moment!!

incoherent said...

I love your photos. The first one is quite touching.

Anonymous said...

Great shot - chocolate is a wonderful thing isn't it? *smile*

Thanks for visiting my site!

Liz Hinds said...

I think chocolate is definitely something for which to be thankful! But make mine milk!

Anonymous said...

Thankfulness never ends. I posted late, come on by.

Dragonstar said...

That photo of the hands is so evocative. Wonderful!

Thank you for taking the time to visit mine.

Jientje said...

I love your picture, it speaks of warmth and love!
(and I love chocolate too, after all, I live in Belgium!)

Heart of Rachel said...

The first one is a heartwarming photo. Thanks for sharing it.

I LOVE Lindt truffles. My mom sent me a bag full last Christmas. I miss that.

Anonymous said...

Love the hand photo. It speaks a lot and it's a moving photo.

Thanks for the visit.