Friday, January 30, 2009

Photohunt Saturday - Furry Friends

Sometimes a bear can be a real "furry" friend!

And sometimes you just need more than one "furry" friend!

And sometimes your friends need friends!

Frankly who could resist a face this cute?!


Deb @ Sugarfused said...

Awwww! Those are precious!

Anonymous said...

I am glad you have not started looking like these 'pets'.

Susann said...

great furry pics :) Happy weekend!

SnoopyTheGoon said...

Cool and furry selection.

Have a great weekend.

Brita said...

These are just adorable! Great choise for the theme.
Thanks for visiting too.
Have a good weekend!

CRIZ LAI said...

Those two are beautiful Maureen. I have quite a lot of those here but they are being "captivated" in the store room. Haha... you see 8 cats and furry toys in a house would not work. My toys get more fur towards the end of each day. :P

PastormacsAnn said...

Couldn't agree with you more! Love your take on the theme. I like your bears because they're don't just LOOK warm and cuddly.

Thanks for dropping by for a visit!

Daisy said...

The brown bear has a very understanding face.

♥♥ Willa ♥♥ said...

they are all so cute and cuddly!
thanks for stopping by.

Dragonstar said...

They are so sweet! Yes, everyone needs a few furry friends.

Anonymous said...

My dentist has some like these in her office.

Anonymous said...

bears will always be cute and cuddly! thanks for dropping by, and have a good weekend! :)

Anonymous said...

Mom has several mooses and bears. Mostly mooses. She loves mooses almost as good as kitties!

Anonymous said...

I think I like this kind of "furry" better than the live ones- LOL.

we're overloaded with house pets and other furry live animals this week. this is a breather! :-)

they are irresistibly cute!

Lisa said...

Oh they are very cute and very furry. Very irresistable. Enjoy your day.

Lene said...

Hehe. Cute, furry friends that brings a smile on my mouth :) Thankyou :)

Bengbeng said...

We love soft toys in our home too. They r not only immensely great for hugging but brighten up the place :)

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, I'm afraid...I'm very afraid! :-) Thanks for stopping by Spatter. And by the way, there was nothing dangerous about my coyote encounter. I was in a car.

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

They make great wonderful friends all the time. My daughter had her furry bear with her during her stay in the hospital 2 months back and it gave her security :)

PowersTwinB said...

Welcome back sweetie...I was missing for a few months myself, but I am back...and I have one thing to say...:Friends don't let friends have beary many friends!!" haha....My hunt is up, please come around and visit soon

Anonymous said...

Great furry bear photos :) Wonderful take on the theme this week. Thanks for stopping by and checking out my photohunt post.

Anonymous said...

My sister would love these toys. ^_^

Biker Betty said...

You're right, who can resist such a cute face. Great photos for this theme. Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

Oh, my kids would love your photohunt! Your photos will inspire them to set up dozens of photo shoots with their own furry friends. I think the combinations of friends and friends friends friends could go on and on and on.

So simple and sweet. Very fun.

Thanks for dropping by my blog and offering a comment. It's a treat to slip over and get to know you a little bit!

Mojo said...

I've had people call me furry... but I'd be your friend in any case (insert "aww" here).

Anonymous said...

very cute furry friends you got there. I lost mine long ago and sometimes, I miss them.

Anonymous said...

Those really are adorable!

Poopsie aka Blue said...

Thanks for visiting my Photo hunt!
Love your furry companions - my Hug of teddy bears were delighted to meet them.

Hootin Anni said...

Awwwwwwwww, these photos just melt my heart!

Thanks for dropping by for a visit. Always love the company, I do.

Heart of Rachel said...

Those bears are so adorable. I want to give them a hug. :)

Anonymous said... asked about my camera..
I use a Canon Powershot S2 IS and this summer my husband bought me a Canon EOS Digital Rebel. I also noticed that you have endo. I had 3 surgeries for that....

Liz Hinds said...

No, I couldn't resist a face that cute!

Anonymous said...

I have a soft spot for stuffed animals and they really do fit the furry theme. I also loved your take on Valentine's Day. Very beautiful sentiment towards your sister-in-law.

Thank you for visiting my photo hunt this week.

Anonymous said...

Nice choice and great narration. Thanks for dropping by. Have a great week ahead.

Jackie said...

Hi Maureen,
Oh wow I am so glad you left a link in your post.

Wow my schedule went bonkers on me starting on Friday until yesterday.

This week is crazy too. I was away all day yesterday with my best friend in real life who is having heart surgery today.

So I am staying busy trying to make as many rounds as possible.

Oh your little bears are simply adorable! I love stuffed animals and these bears are adorable!

It's so very good to see you and everyone again. I missed you all so much.

Thanks for stopping in. I hope you are having a great week!